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Major: Mycology
Organization: The Indonesia Phytopathological Society; International Society for Horticultural Science Email: arif_wibowo@ugm.ac.id
Education Background:
Bachelor (Ir.), Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada , Indonesia
Master of Agricultural Science (M.Agr.Sc), Queensland University, Australia
Doktor (Dr.), Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Teaching Courses:
Fundamental of Crop Protection (Undergraduate)
Fundamental of Plant Pathology
Introduction of Agricultural Myccology
Biological Control
Plant Quarantine
Ecology of of Plant Pest and Disease
Advance Mycology (Master)
Scientific Writing for Plant Pathology
No. |
Titel of Paper |
1. | J. Taribuka, A. Wibowo, S.M. Widyastuti, C. Sumardiyono. 2017. Potency of six isolates of bioconntrol agents endophytic Trichoderma against fusarium wilt on banana. Journal of Degraded ad Mining Land Management 4 (2): 723-731 |
2. | D. Wicaksono, A. Wibowo and A. Widiastuti. 2017. Isolation method of Pyricularia oryzae the causalagent of rice blast disease. Journal of Tropical Plant Pest and Disease 17 (1): 62-69 |
3. | J. Taribuka, A. Wibowo, S.M. Widyastuti, C. Sumardiyono. 2016. Exploration and identification of endophytic Trichoderma in banana. Journal of Tropical Plant Pest and Disease 16 (2): 115-123 |
4. | Lestiyani, A., Wibowo, A., Subandiyah, S., Gambley, C., Ito, S. and Harper, S. 2016. Identification of Fusarium spp., the causal agent of twisted disease of shallot. Acta Horticulturae1128:155-160 |
5. | Ayu Octavia Tanjung Putri, Bambang HadIsutrisno Arif Wibowo. 2016. The effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza inoculation on the growth of clove seedling and leaf spot intensity. Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan 10 (2): 145-154 |
6. | D. Puspitasari, A. Wibowo, S. Rahayu, I. Prihatini, A. Rimbawanto. 2016. Morphological character of Phlebiopsis sp.1 isolates, a potential biological control for Ganoderma philippii. Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan 10 (1): 51-61 |
7. | A.Wibowo, A.R. Alboneh, M.U.A. Somala, S. Subandiyah, T. Pattison, A. Molina. 2015. Increasing soil suppressivity to fusarium wilt of banana through banana intercropping with Alliums pp. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia 19 (1): 33-39 |
8. | D.P.I. Puspitasari, A. Widiastuti, A. Wibowo and A. Priyatmojo. 2015. Intensity of ffungal contamination on cattle-feed maize during storage periode. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia 19 (1): 27-32 |
9. | Y. Kristiawati, C. Sumardiyono, A. Wibowo. 2014. Control test of fusarium wilt of banana (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense) with phosphate acid and fosetyl-aluminium. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia 18 (2): 103-110 |
10. | A.Wibowo, S.N.H. Utami, S. Subandiyah, M.U.A. Somala, A. Pattison , L. Forsyth, A. Molina. 2014. The effect of silica and manure addition into suppressive and conducive soil on the incidence of fusarium wilt disease of banana. Acta Horticulturae 1026: 55-60 |
11. | A. Laila, A. Wibowo, E. Sulistyaningsih, P. Basunanda, S. Subandiyah, S. Harper. 2013. Fusarium wilt disease of shallot and respons of 4 shallot cultivars against the disease in the field trial. The 10th International Congress of Plant Pathology Beijing 25-30 August 2013. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica 43: 168 |
12. | A. Widiastuti, A. Wibowo, D. Yudistira, C. Sumardiyono. 2013. Resistance of Peronosclerospora maydis the causal agent of maize downy mildew to metalxyl and dimetomorf fungicide. The 10th International Congress of Plant Pathology Beijing 25-30 August 2013. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica 43: 146. |
13. | A.Laila, E. Sulistyaningsih, and A.Wibowo. 2013. Morphogenetic Variation of Shallot (Allium cepa L. Aggregatum Group). 2013. Agricultural Science 16 (2): 1-11. |
14. | T. Joko, A. Subandi, N. Kusumandari, A. Wibowo, A. Priyatmojo. 2013. Activities of plant cell wall-degrading enzymes by bacterial soft rot of orchid. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 47 (10): 1239-1250. |
15. | A. Wibowo, M.U.A. Somala, S.N.H. Utami, S. Subandiyah, T. Pattison, L. Forsyth, A. Molina. 2012. The effect of silica and organic material addtion into suppressive and conducive soil on the incidence of fusarium wilt disease of banana. The International Symposium of Banana Chiang Mai 23-26 January 2012. |
16. | S. Subandiyah, A. Wibowo, T. Joko, R.D. Puspitasari, J. Hendrita, R. Kusbari, T. Pattison, L. Forsyth, A. Molina. 2012. Antagonistic bacteria against Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense were recovered from suppressive soil. The International Symposium of Banana Chiang Mai 23-26 January 2012. |
17. | A. Wibowo, S. Subandiyah, C. Sumardiyono, L. Sulistyowati, P. Taylor, M. Fegan. 2011. Detection of fusaric acid produced by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense using TLC method. International Seminar and The 21st National Congress of The Indonesian Phytopathological Society Solo 3-5 December 2011. |
18. | T. Joko, A. Wibowo, A. Subandi. 2011. Plant cell wall degrading enzymes produced by soft rot bacteria on orchids. International Seminar and The 21st National Congress of The Indonesian Phytopathological Society Solo 3-5 December 2011. |
19. | A. Wibowo, S. Subandiyah, C. Sumardiyono, L. Sulistyowati, P. Taylor, M. Fegan. Occurrence of Tropical Race 4 of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense in Indonesia. 2011. Plant Pathology Journal 27 (3): 280-284 |
20. | A. Wibowo, N.H. hadiba, T. Joko, S. Subandiyah, I. Mariska, Y. Supriyati, I. Roostika. 2011. Selection of plant endophytic bacteria from kepok kuning (ABB) cultivar for biological control of fusarium wilt and blood disease of banana. 2011. The International Seminar on Natural Resources, Climate Change and Food Security in Developing Countries. Surabaya 27-28 June 2011 |
21. | A. Wibowo, S. Wiyatiningsih, E.T. Prasetyawati. 2011. Moler disease intensity in the 3 production centres of shallot in Java.The International Seminar on Natural Resources, Climate Change and Food Security in Developing Countries. Surabaya 27-28 June 2011 |
22. | A. Wibowo, A.M. Sutejo, A. Priyatmojo, S. Subandiyah. 2011. Genetic variability of Fusarium sp. The 4th Asian Conference on Plant pathology Concurrent with The 18th Biennial Australian Plant Pathology Society Conference. Darwin 26-29 April 2011. |
23. | S. Wiyatiningsih, A. Wibowo, E. T. Pangestuti. 2010. Response of some shallots cultivars towards twisted disease (Fusarium oxypsorum f.sp. cepae). International Conference on Food Safety and Food Security, Yogyakarta, 1-2 December 2010. |
24. | A. Wibowo, I. Kusumangrum, J. Widada, Suryanti. 2010. Influence of the method for inducing the resistance of banana seedling using endophytic non pathogenic Fusarium against fusarium wilt disease. National Seminar on Below Ground Biodiversity I, Bandar Lampung 29-30 Juni 2010. |
25. | A. Wibowo, A. Widyastuti, W. Agustina. 2009. Important diseases of dragon fruit in several plantation in Central Java. Abstract Proceedings and Seminar Program of International Seminar and the 20th National Congress of Indonesian Phytopathological Society, Makassar August 4-7, 2009. |
26. | A. Widyastuti, A. Wibowo, W. Agustina. 2009. Efficacy test of pesticide on some pathogens causing important disease on naga fruit (Hylocerus sp).Abstract Proceedings and Seminar Program of International Seminar and the 20th National Congress of Indonesian Phytopathological Society, Makassar August 4-7, 2009. |
27. | A. Wibowo, A.T. Santosa, S. Subandiyah, C. Hermanto, M. Fegan, P.Taylor. 2008. Control of fusarium wilt of banana by using Trichoderma harzianum and resistant banana cultivars. 4th International Symposium on Tropical and Subtropical Fruits, Bogor 3-7 November 2008. |
28. | A. Mahendra, A. Priyatomojo, A. Wibowo. 2008. Morphological identification of several Fusarium species. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia 14: 7-13. |
29. | A. Wibowo, S. Subandiyah, C. Sumardiyono, L. Sulistyowati, P. Taylor, M. Fegan. 2008. The role of polyagalacturonase towards the virulence of race 4 of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia 14: 15-22. |
30. | A. Wibwo, S. Subandiyah, C. Sumardiyono. 2007. Pathogenic races of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense strains from Java. 2007. Prosiding The 3rd Asian Conference on Plant Pathology Yogyakarta 20-24 August 2007. p.83-84 |
31. | A. Wibowo, S. Subandiyah, C. Sumardiyono, L. Sulistyowati, P. Taylor, M. Fegan Diversity of race 4 of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense strains from Indonesia. 2007. Prosiding The 3rd Asian Conference on Plant Pathology Yogyakarta 20-24 August 2007. p. 89-90 |
32. | Hadiwiyono, A. Wibowo, S. Subandiyah, J. Widada, M. Fegan, P. Taylor. 2007. Co-infection of Musa sp. by blood disease and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense. Prosiding The 3rd Asian Conference on Plant Pathology Yogyakarta 20-24 August 2007. p. 169-170. |
33. | D. Worosuryanti, A. Priyatmojo, A. Wibowo. 2006. The ability of soil fungi isolated from sandy soil as PGPF (Plant Growth Promoting Fungi). Agrosains 19 (2): 179-192 |
34. | A. Wibowo. 2005. Colonization of tomato root by antagonistic bacterial strains to fusarium wilt of tomato. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia 11 (2): 66-76 |
35. | A. Wibowo, T. Arwiyanto, M. Dewi. 2005. The antagonism of fluorescent pseudomonad from papaya,s rhizosphere agains Pythium sp. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Crop Securiti, Malang 20-22 September 2005. p 146-148. |
36. | A. Wibowo, C. Sumardiyono, Suryanti, I. Damayanti. 2004. Effect of application frequency of nonpathogenic Fusarium Bnt12 towards the development of fusarium wilt disease of banana in the field. Proceeding of the 1st National Symposium of Fusarium Purwokerto 26-27 Agustus 2004. p. 219-228. |
37. | A. Wibowo, S. Subandiyah, C. Sumardiyono. 2003. Biological control of fusarium wilt in Indonesia by using nonpathogenic Fusarium. Programme and Abstract of 2nd International Symposium on fusarium wilt on banana Salvador de Bahia Brazil 22-26 september 2003. p.31-32 |
38. | A. Wibowo. Isolation and characterization of non pathogenic Fusarium spp. For controlling fusarium wilt of banana. 2003. Proceeding of XVII National Congress and Scientific Seminar of Indonesian Phytopathological Society Bandung 6-8 agustus 2003. p. 128-133. |
39. | Suryanti, A. Wibowo and C. Sumardiyono. 2003. Control of fusarium wilt of banana by inoculating banana seedlings with VAM fungi. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia9 (2): 63-68. |
40. | Y.M. Maryudani, A. Wibowo, Suryanti. 2003. Respons of some peanut varieties seed towards Aspergillus flavus and their aflatoxin contamination degree. Gama Sains V (2): 108-116. |
41. | Wibowo, A., C. Sumardiyono and Suryanti. 2002. Identification of physiological races of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense based on vegetative compatibility groups and volatile production. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia8 (1): 12-17 |
42. | Wibowo, A. 2002. Control of fusarium wilt of banana by using nonpathogenic Fusarium sp.Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia6 (2): 65-70 |
A. Wibowo. 2001. Suppression of sheath blight of rice with antagonistic bacteria. Indonesian Journal of Plant protection 7 (2): 108-113 | |
43. | A. Wibowo. 1999. The effect of environmental factors on conidial germination, sporulation and growth of Trichoderma harzianum in vitro. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia 5 (2): 108-113. |
International activities
-Short course of Molecular identification of Colletotrichum spp, Melbourne University, Melbourne Australia, 23 October to 6 November 2017
– X International Symposium on Banana: ISHS-ProMusa Symposium on Agroecological Approaches to Promote Innovative Banana Production Systems, Montpellier France, 10-14 October 2016
– VII International Symposium on Edible Alliaceae, Nigde Turkey, May 21-25, 2015
– XXIX International Horticultural Congress: IHC2014, Brisbane Australia, August 17-22, 2014
-VIII International Symposium on Banana: International Symposium on Banana, Chiang Mai Thailand,23-26 January 2012
-International Seminar on natural resources, climate change and food security in developing countries (ISNAR-C2FS), Surabaya, 27-28 June 2011.
National Activities
-Indonesian Phytopathological Society Seminar and Congress XXIV, Kendari, 2-5 October 2017.
-Indonesian Phytopathological Society Seminar and Congress XXIII, Bekasi, 11-13 November 2015.
-Indonesian Phytopathological Society Seminar and Congress XXII, Padang, 7-10 October 2013.
-Indonesian Phytopathological Society Seminar and Congress XXI, Solo, 3-5 December 2011.
Biology, Ecology and Managenet of Fungal Soil-borne Pathogen (Fusarium spp. And Phytophthora spp.)
Biology, Ecology and Managenet of Fungal Air-borne Pathogen (Alternaria spp. and Perenosclerospora maydis)
On going research
Management of twisted disease (Fusarium spp) of shallot
Genetic diversity and management of Phytophthora palmivora of cacao
Disease control of Phytophthora blight of pepper
Sensitivity of Alternaria solani to fungicides
Management of maize downy mildew (Perenosclerospora maydis)
Past research
Biology, ecology and managenet of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense of banana
Disease control of rice sheath blight (Rhizoctonia solani)
Disease control of blast disease of rice (Pyricularia oryzae)
ACIAR Australia (2005 – now)
KNAW SPIN The Netherland (2013- 2018)
Koppert The Netherland (2015-2018)