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Major Fungal Soil-Borne Pathogen (Agricultural Plant Pathology)Organization • Indonesian Phytopathological Society (PFI), General Secretary (2007-2013 and 2013 – present) • Indonesian Mycological Society (MIKOINA), member • Japanese Phytopathological Society ( 1997 – 2002)E-mail priyatmojo@ugm.ac.id |
Education Background
- Bachelor (Ir.) Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
- Master of Science (M. Sc) Plant Pathology, Gifu University, Japan
- Doctor (Dr.), Plant Pathology, UGSAS, Gifu University of Japan, Japan
Lecture Subjects
• Fundamental of Plant Pathology (Undergraduate)
• Fundamental of Crop Protection (Undergraduate)
• Seminar (Undergraduate)
• Introduction to Agricultural Mycology (Undergraduate)
• Introductory Plant Disease Epidemiology (Undergraduate)
• Introduction to Agricultural Science (Undergraduate)
• Plant Disease Diagnostic (Master)
• Molecular of Plant Pathology (Master)
• Plant Disease Epidemiology (Master)
• Tropical Plant Pathology (Doctor)
• Molecular Biology (Doctor)
Research & Extension Interest
- Biology, Ecology and Control of Fungal Soil-borne Pathogen (Rhizoctonia Species)
- Plant Growth Promoting Fungi (PGPF)
- Plant Disease Clinic
- Epidemiology of Plant Diseases
- Rice Diseases
- Haryuni, A. F. P. Harahap, Supartini, A. Priyatmojo, & M. Gozan. 2020. The Effects of Biopesticide and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. vanillae on the nutrient content of binucleate Rhizoctonia-Induced Vanilla Plant. International Journal of Agronomy. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/5092893
- Pramunadipta, S., A. Widiastuti, A. Wibowo, H. Suga, & A. Priyatmojo. 2020. Short communication: Sarocladium oryzae associated with sheath rot disease of rice in Indonesia. Biodiversitas 21 (3): 1243-1249.
- Budiarti, S. W., R. Lukman, A. Wibowo, C. Sumardiyono, & A. Priyatmojo. 2020. The cultural and morphological variability among Rhizoctonia solani isolates causing banded leaf and sheath blight of maize in Indonesia. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 52 (1-2): 17-36.
- Hartono Hartono, Arif Wibowo, Achmadi Priyatmojo. 2019. Isolation, Identification and the Abilities of Fungi Associated with Agarwood from Bangka Belitung Island to Induce Agarwood Compounds. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia. 23 (1): 94-108
- SRI WAHYUNI BUDIARTI, RUDY LUKMAN, CHRISTANTI SUMARDIYONO, ARIF WIBOWO, ACHMADI PRIYATMOJO. 2019. Effect of photoperiod on the cultural morphology of Rhizoctonia solani isolates of maize from Yogyakarta and Central Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity. 20 (7)
- Tri Maryono, Ani Widiastuti, Rudi Hari Murti, Achmadi Priyatmojo. 2019. Identification and Characterization of the Causal Agent of Sugarcane Root and Basal Stem Rot in South Sumatra, Indonesia. Sugar Tech. 10.1007/s12355-019-00749-2
- T Setyaningrum, D Indradewa, A Priyatmojo, E Sulistyaningsih. 2019. Trichoderma asperellum inoculation on shallots productivity in coastal sand lands. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 250
- Purwantisari, S., Priyatmojo, A. Sancayaningsih, R. P., Kasiamdari, R. S., Budihardjo, K. 2018. Systemic inducing resistance against late blight by applying antagonist Trichoderma viride. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics 1025: 1 – 6.
- Ferniah, R. S., Kasiamdari, R. S., Priyatmojo, A., Daryono, B. 2018. Resistance Response of Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) F1 to Fusarium oxysporum Involves Expression of the CaChi2 Gene. Tropical Life Sciences Research 29: 29-37.
- Fauziah, N., Hadisutrisno B., Priyatmojo, A. 2018. Waktu Pemencaran dan Pengaruh Jenis Air terhadap Perkecambahan Basidiospora Exobasidium vexans, Penyebab Penyakit Cacar Daun Teh. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia 22: 1-7.
- Maryono, T., Widiastuti, A., Priyatmojo, A. 2017. Penyakit Busuk Akar dan Pangkal Batang Tebu di Sumatera Selatan. Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia 13: 67-
- Bintang, A.S., Wibowo, A., Priyatmojo, , Subandiyah, S. 2017. Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Rhizoctonia solani Isolates from Two Different Rice Varieties. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia 21: 72-76.
- Soelistijono, R., Utami, D. S., Priyatmojo, A. 2017. Identifikasi Rhizoctonia Mikoriza dan Fusarium pada Anggrek Ascocentrum miniatum. Biota 2: 7-13.
- Purwantisari, S., Priyatmojo, A. Sancayaningsih, R. P., Kasiamdari, R. S. 2016. Masa Inkubasi Gejala Penyakit Hawar Daun Tanaman Kentang yang Diinduksi Ketahanannya oleh Jamur Antagonis Trichoderma viride. Berkala Ilmiah Biologi 18: 41-47.
- Purwantisari, S., Priyatmojo, A. Sancayaningsih, R. P., Kasiamdari, R. S. 2016. Penapisan cendawan Trichoderma untuk pengendalian Phytophthora infestans secara in vitro. Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia 12: 96-103.
- Widiastuti, A., Ningtyas, O. H., Priyatmojo, A. Identifikasi cendawan penyebab penyakit pascapanen pada beberapa buah di Yogyakarta. Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia 11: 91-96.
- Ferniah, R. S., Kasiamdari, R. S., Priyatmojo, A., Daryono, B. S. 2015. Expression of class II chitinase gene in chilli (Capsicum annuum ) as response to Fusarium oxysporumpathogen attack. Asian Journal of Plant Pathology 9: 142-147.
- Pedai, Theodorius, Hadisutrisno, B. Priyatmojo, A. 2015. Utilization of arbuscular micorrhizal fungi to control fusarium wilt of tomatoes. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia 19: 89-93.
- Puspitasari, D.P.I., Widiastuti, A., Wibowo, A., Priyatmojo, A. 2015.Intensitas cemaran jamur pada biji jagung pakan ternak selama periode penyimpanan. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia 19: 27-32.
- Ferniah, R. S., Kasiamdari, R. S., Daryono, B. S., Priyatmojo, A. Characterization and pathogenicity of Fusarium oxysporumas the causal agent of fusarium wilt in chili (Capsicum annuum L.). Microbiology Indonesia 8 : 121-126.
- Joko, T., Subandi, A., Kusumandari, N., Wibowo, A., Priyatmojo, A. 2014. Activities of plant cell wall degrading enzymes by bacterial soft rot of orchid. Archive for Phytopathology and Plant Protection 47: 1239-1250.
- Sofian, Bambang, H., Priyatmojo, A. 2013. The Growth of Root Rot Disease on Pepper Seed Applied by Trichoderma Harzianum Inoculum. International Journal of Science and Enggineering 5: 49-54.
- Soelistijono, Utami, D. S., Priyatmojo, A. Karakterisasi isolat Rhizoctonia mikoriza pada anggrek Phaleonopsis amabilis. Agrinesa 12:
- Soelistijono, Christanti, S., Priyatmojo, A., Endang, A. 2011. Karakteristik isolat Rhizoctonia patogenik dan Rhizoctonia mikoriza pada tanaman anggrek tanah Spathoglottis plicata. Biota 16: 371-380.
- Supriyanto, Priyatmojo, A., Arwiyanto, T. 2011. Uji penggabungan PGPF dan Pseudomonas putidaPF 20 dalam pengendalian hayati penyakit busuk lunak lidah buaya di tanah gambut. Jurnal Hama Penyakit Tanaman Tropika 11:11-21.
- Nuryanto, B., Priyatmojo, A., Hadisutrisno, B., Sunarminto, B. H. 2011. Perkembangan penyakit hawar upih daun (Rhizoctonia soilaniKuhn) di sentra-sentra penghasil padi Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Jurnal Budidaya Pertanian 7: 1-7.
- Suryantini, R., Priyatmojo, A., Widyastuti, S. M., Kasiamdari, R. S. 2011. Karakteristik Rhizoctonia dari tanah di bawah tegakan tusam (Pinus merkussiJungh et de Vriese). Jurnal Budidaya Pertanian 7: 8-13.
- Haryuni, Hadisutrisno, B., Priyatmojo, A., Widada, J. 2010. kekerabatan antara isolat mikoriza Rhizoctonia dari vanili berdasarkan analisis PCR-RFLP. Agrosains 12: 34-38.
- Ambar, A. A., Priyatmojo, A., Hadisutrisno, B., Pusposendjojo, N. 2010. Virulensi 9 isolat Fusarium oxysporumsp. lycopersicidan perkembangan gejala layu fusarium pada dua varietas tomat di rumah kaca. Agrin 14: 89-96.
- Nuryanto, B., Priyatmojo, A., Hadisutrisno, B., Sunarminto, B. H. 2010. Hubungan antara inokulum awal patogen dengan perkembangan penyakit hawar upih pada padi varietas ciherang. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia 19: 55-61.
- Supriyanto, Priyatmojo, A., Arwiyanto, T. 2009. Penapisan PGPF untuk pengendalian penyakit busuk lunak lidah buaya (Aloe vera) di tanah gambut. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia 15: 71-82.
- Qu, P. Yamashita, K., Toda, T., Priyatmojo, A. Kubota, M., Hyakumachi, M. 2008. Heterokaryon formation in Thanatephorus cucumeris(Rhizoctonia solani) AG 1-1C. Mycological Research 112: 1088-1110.
- Sutejo, A. M., Priyatmojo, A., Wibowo, A. 2008. Identifikasi morfologi beberapa spesies jamur fusarium. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia 14: 7-13.
- Arwiyanto, T., Haryono, K., Priyatmojo, A., Martoredjo, T., Dalmadiyo, G. 2007. Penekanan penyakit lincat tembakau temanggung dengan Streptomyces Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia 13: 13-21.
- Priyatmojo, A. 2006. Tipe mating pada empat isolat Thanatephorus cucumeris(anamorf: Rhizoctonia solani) anastomosis group (AG) 1-IC. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia 12: 112-122.
- Worosuryani, C., Priyatmojo, A., Wibowo, A. 2006. Uji kemampuan jamur tanah yang diisolasi dari lahan pasir sebagai PGPF (Plant Growth Promoting Fungi) Agrosains 19:179-192.
- Hyakumachi, M., Priyatmojo, A., Kubota M., Fukui H. 2005. New anastomosis groups, AG-T and AG-U, of binucleate Rhizoctonia causing root and stem rot of cut-flower and miniature roses Phytopathology 95: 784-792.
- Inayati, A., Hadisutrisno, B., Priyatmojo, A. 2004. Seleksi ketahanan tunas vanili terhadap Fusarium oxysporumsp. vanillaesecara in vitro menggunakan teknik double layer Agrosains 17: 563-570.
- Toda, T., Mghalu, J. M., Priyatmojo, A., Hyakumachi, M. 2004. Comparison of sequences of the internal transcribed spacer region in Rhizoctonia solaniAG 1-ID and other subgroup of AG 1. Journal of General Plant Pathology 70: 270-272.
- Kageyama, K., Suzuki, M., Priyatmojo, A., Oto, Y., Ishiguro, K., Suga, H., Aoyagi, T., Fukui, H. 2003. Characterization and identification of asexual strains of Pythium associated with root rot of rose in Japan.Journal of Phytopathology 151: 485-491
- Priyatmojo, A., Yamauchi, R., Carling, D.E., Kageyama, K., Hyakumachi, M.2002. Differentiation of three varieties of Rhizoctonia circinata; var. circinata, var. oryzaeand var. zeae on the basis of cellular fatty acid compositions. Journal of Phytopathology 150: 1-5.
- Priyatmojo, A., Yamauchi, R., Kageyama, K., Hyakumachi, M. 2002. Whole-cell fatty Acid composition to characterize and differentiate isolates of Rhizoctoniaspecies associated with turfgrass diseases in Japan. Journal of General Plant Pathology. 68: 1-7.
- Priyatmojo, A., Yamauchi, R., Naito, S., Kageyama, K., Hyakumachi, M. 2002.Comparison of whole-cell fatty acid compositions of isolates of Rhizoctoniasolani AG 2 from tobacco (Nt-isolates) and tulip (AG2-t), AG 2-1 and AG-BI. Journal of Phytopathology 150: 283-288.
- Priyatmojo, A., Yamauchi, R., Kageyama, K., Hyakumachi, M. 2001. Grouping of binucleate Rhizoctonia anastomosis Group D (AG-D) isolates into subgroups I and II based on whole-cell fatty acid compositions. Journal of Phytopathology 149: 421-426.
- Priyatmojo, A., Yotani, Y., Hattori, K., Kageyama, K., Hyakumachi, M. 2001. Characterization of Rhizoctonia causing root and stem rot of miniature rose. Plant Disease 85: 1200-1205
- Priyatmojo, A., Escopalao, V.E., Tangonan, N.G., Pascual, C.B., Suga, H., Kageyama, K., Hyakumachi, M. 2001. Characterization of a new subgroup of Rhizoctonia solanianastomosis group 1 (AG 1-ID), causal agent of a necrotic leaf spot on coffee. Phytopathology 91: 1054-1061.
- Hadisutrisno, B., Sudarmadi, S., Subandiyah, S., Priyatmojo, A. 1995. Peranan faktor cuaca terhadap infeksi dan perkembangan penyakit bercak ungu pada bawang merah. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia 1: 58-64.
- Purwantisari, S., Priyatmojo, A. Sancayaningsih, R. P., Kasiamdari, R. S., Budihardjo, K. 2018. Systemic inducing resistance against late blight by applying antagonist Trichoderma viride. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics 1025: 1 – 6.
- Setyaningrum, T., Indradewa, , Priyatmojo, A., Sulistyaningsih, Endang. 2018. Tanggapan dan hasil berbagai kultivar terhadap inokulasi Trichoderma sp. pada budidaya bawang merah di lahan pasir pantai. Prosiding Seminar Nasional SEMNAS BIOLOGI X FKIP UNS.
- Wibowo, A., Priyatmojo, A. 2017. Pengendalian Penyakit Moler pada Bawang Merah Melalui Pemupukan Kalium. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian Pertanian VII. Fakultras Pertanian UGM. Halaman 388-395.
- Soelistijono, R., Utami, D. S., Priyatmojo, A. 2017 Karakterisasi Rhizoctonia Mikoriza Pada Anggrek Aminiatum Sebagai Inducer Ketahanan Terhadap Penyakit Busuk Daun Anggrek. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengendalian Penyakit Pada Tanaman Pertanian Ramah Lingkungan II. Perhimpunan Fitopatologi Indonesia. Halaman 43-50.
- Nuryanto, B., Priyatmojo, A., Hadisutrisno, B., Sunarminto, B. H. 2014. Pengaruh kombinasi cara pengairan dan tipe varietas padi terhadap keparahan hawar upih. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengendalian Penyakit pada Tanaman Pertanian Ramah Lingkungan, 20 September 2014. Perhimpunan Fitopatologi Indonesia. Yogyakarta. Halaman 137-146.
- Soelistijono, Priyatmojo, A., Utami, D. S. 2014. Kajian induce resistance anggrek Phaleonopsis amabilissecara in vitro terhadap Fusarium oxysporumpenyebab penyakit busuk daun. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengendalian Penyakit pada Tanaman Pertanian Ramah Lingkungan, 20 September 2014. Perhimpunan Fitopatologi Indonesia. Yogyakarta. Halaman 253-260.
- Mulyani, A.S., Priyatmojo, A., Purwantoro, A.2007 Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of rDNA of Oncobasidium theobromaeand its comparison to other related fungi species Proceedings the Third Asian Conference on Plant Pathology. Yogyakarta, August, 20-24, 2007. Pages: 99-100
- Widiastuti, A., Sudarmadi, Priyatmojo, A. 2006. Inventarisasi penyakit pada jarak (Jatropha curcas) di Kebun Percobaan Banguntapan Bantul. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian Pertanian, 15 September 2006, Yogyakarta. Halaman:17-21.
- Worosuryani, C., Wibowo, A., Priyatmojo, A., 2007. Suppresion of fusarium wilt disease (Fusarium oxysporum sp. niveum) by plant growth promoting fungi on watermelon seedlings Proceedings the Third Asian Conference on Plant pathology, pages: 272-273 Yogyakarta, August, 20-24, 2007.
- Priyatmojo, A. 2006. Perbandingan empat metode induksi stadium sempurna pada Thanatephorus cucumeris(anamorf: Rhizoctonia solani). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian Pertanian, 15 September 2006. Yogyakarta. Halaman:1-6.
- Paryoto, Priyatmojo, A., Hadisutrisno, B. 2006. Kajian epidemi penyakit hawar daun ranting Choanephora (Choanephora cucurbitarum) pada tanaman cabai di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian Pertanian, 15 September 2006. Yogyakarta. Halaman: 113-121.
- Martono, E., Mahrub, E., Priyatmojo, A., Wijonarko, A.1994. Use of carbofuran in IPM and non-IPM practicing rice fields in West Java northern coast regencies (biological aspects). Proceedings Seminar on IPM Supporting Research, Lembang, pp. 313-322.
- Edia Rahayuningsih, AchmadiPriyatmojo, 2005. Evaluasi Hasil Pembelajaran Mahasiswa. Pusat Pengembangan Pendidikan UGM. ISBN 979-3589-50-7.
- Kusminarto, AchmadiPriyatmojo, 2005. Perpustakaan dalam Proses Pembelajaran. Pusat Pengembangan Pendidikan UGM. ISBN 979-3589-51-7.
International Activities
- International Symposium on Innovative Crops Protection for Sustainable Agriculture, Gifu, Japan, March 7-8, 2018. Presenter, title:
Current Status and Management of Rhizoctonia solani the causal pathogen of sheath blight disease on Rice and Maize in Indonesia
- The 1st International Conference on Tropical Agriculture, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 25-26 October 2016. Co-presenter, title:
Induce resistant using Trichoderma spp and Penicillium sp against banded leaf and sheath blight (Blsb) caused by Rhizoctonia solani in maize.
- Indonesia Focus Conference, Lexington, Kentucky, USA, 30 September -1 October 2016. Presenter, title: Indonesia Goverment Scholarship.
- Tropical Agriculture Summer Program, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2014-2015. Coordinator, collaboration with Tohoku University, Japan.
- Japanese Class for UGM Student, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2013-2017. Coordinator, collaboration with Yamagata University, Japan.
- Jogja Tea Party, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 12 – 14 December 2014. Chairman,collaboration with Indonesia Tea Board and Indonesian Tea Association, PT. Pagilaran, and Faculty of Agriculture UGM.
- The 3th Asian Conference on Plant Pathology, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, August 20-24, 2007. Presenter,title:
- The 1st Asian Conference on Plant Pathology, Beijing, Tiongkok, August 25-28, 2000. Presenter,title:
National Activities
- The 24th Congress and National Seminar of Indonesian Phytopathological Society. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Haluoleo,Kendari, 3-5 October 2017.
Title: “Penggunaan Fungisida Dan Trichoderma spp. sebagai Agens Pengendali Phytophthora capsici Pada Tanaman Cabai”. Catur Patminingsih, Achmadi Priyatmojo dan Rudy Lukman.
- Phytopathological Symposium “The Incidence of New Diseases and Seed Import”.Departement of Plant Protection, Bogor Agricultural Institute, Bogor, Indonesia.. 10 Januari 2017. In collaboration with Indonesian Phytopathological Society.
- The 4th National Seminar on Agricultural Research Results. Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 24 September 2016.
Title: “Disease severity on rice treated with type and dose of fertilizer”. Umi Nur Azizah, Sri Nuryani Hidayah Utami, Suryanti, Achmadi Priyatmojo.
Title: “Diseases on organic and anorganic rice fields using tapak macan system”. Fatimah Puspitasari, Sri Sulandari, Arif Wibowo, Achmadi Priyatmojo.
Title: “Characterization of Rhizoctonia solani isolated from potato tuber and antagonistic test using Trichoderma sp. and Penicillium sp.”. Aminatullailiyati, Ani Widiastuti, Achmadi Priyatmojo
- The 23th Congress and National Seminar of Indonesian Phytopathological Society. BUTTMKP, Agricultural Quarantine Agency, Bekasi, Indonesia. 11-13 November 2015.
Title: “The effect of Plant Growth Promoting Fungi (PGPF) on cucumber growth and resistance to altenaria leaf necrosis”.Christina Dian Kurniawati, Suryanti, , Achmadi Priyatmojo.
Title: “Characterization and virulence of Fusarium spp., causal agent of wilt on melon “. Arif Wibowo, Ulya Maulida, Suryanti, Achmadi Priyatmojo.
Title: “Use of antagonistic microorganims as a biological control agents to suppress growth of Rhizoctonia solani in vitro“. Catur Patminingsih1, Sri Wahyuni Budiarti, Puji Astutik, Achmadi Priyatmojo, Rudy Lukman,
• Biology, Ecology, and Control of Rhizoctonia Species
• Plant Growth Promoting Fungi
• Diagnosis and Management on Rice and Corn Diseases
Ongoing Research
- Rekayasa Lingkungan Untuk Meningkatkan Layanan Ekosistem Dalam Penerapan Pht Padi Ramah Lingkungan .
Collaboration with Prof. Dr. Ir. Edhi Martono, M.Sc., Dr. Suputa, S.P., M.P., Dr. Ani widiastuti, S.P., M.P. (Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia). Funded by: Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia.
- Organic rice field to increase soil productivity and health toward food sovereignty.
Collaboration with Dr. Ir. Sri Nuryani Hidayah Utami, M.Sc., Dr. Ir. Benito Haru Purwanto, Dr. Rudi Harimurti, S.P., M.P. (Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia). Funded by: Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia. - Improvement of orchid resistance by In vitro induced resistance technique to support orchid species in Indonesia.
Collaboration with Ir. Dwi Susilo Utami, M.P. (Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Tunas Pembangunan, Surakarta, Indonesia). 2016. Funded by: Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia.
Past Research
• Organic rice field to increase soil productivity and health toward food sovereignty.
Collaboration with Dr. Ir. Sri Nuryani Hidayah Utami, M.Sc., Dr. Ir. Benito Haru Purwanto, Dr. Rudi Harimurti, S.P., M.P. (Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia). 2016. Funded by: Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia.
- Improvement of orchid resistance by In vitro induced resistance technique to support orchid species in Indonesia.
Collaboration with Ir. Dwi Susilo Utami, M.P.,. (Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Tunas Pembangunan, Surakarta, Indonesia). 2016. Funded by: Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia.
- Study on In vitro Induced resistance on orchid as a model for increasing orchid resistance in Indonesia toward leaf rot disease.
Collaboration with Dr. Ir. Soelistijono, M.P., Ir. Dwi Susilo Utami, M.P.,. (Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Tunas Pembangunan, Surakarta, Indonesia). 2012-2014. Funded by: Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia.
- The utilazion of local tubers as growth and preservation media for plant pathogenic isolates.
Collaboration with Andika Febrianto, Tami Handayani (Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia). 2014. Funded by: Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. - In vitro induced resistance technique as a model of orchid resistance mechanism in Indonesia toward root rot disease.
Collaboration with Dr. Ir. Soelistijono, M.P., (Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Tunas Pembangunan, Surakarta, Indonesia), Prof. Dr. Ir. Christansi Sumardiyono, S.U. (Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia). 2011. Funded by: Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia.
- In vitro induced resistance technique as a model of orchid resistance mechanism in Indonesia toward root rot disease.
Collaboration with Dr. Ir. Soelistijono, M.P., Ir. Teguh Supriyadi, M.P., . (Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Tunas Pembangunan, Surakarta, Indonesia). 2010. Funded by: Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia.
- The effectivity of hypovirulent Rhizoctonia biological control agent on damping off disease suppression and ectomycorrhizal development on pine seedlings.
Collaboration with Dr. Rosa Suryantini, S.Hut., M.Si. (Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Tanjungpura, West Kalimantan, Indonesia). 2010. Funded by: Ministry of National Education, Republic of Indonesia.
Expert Institution Country
• Prof. Naota Ohsaki, Yamagata University, Yamagata, Japan