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Major: Agricultural Mycology and Seed Pathology
Organization: Indonesian Phytopathological Society (PFI) E-mail: suryanti.faperta@ugm.ac.id or suryanti@faperta.ugm.ac.id |
- Bachelor (S.P), Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Master (M.P), Phytophathology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
- Doctor (Dr.) Agriculture Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Lecture Subjects
- Seed Pathology (S1)
- Fundamental of Plant Protection (S-1)
- Fundamental of Plant Disease (S-1)
- Agricultural Mycology (S-1)
- Plant Pathology (S-1)
- Plant Quarantine (S-1)
- Post Harvest Disease (S-2)
- Integrated control of plant pathogen (S2)
- Mycology (S2)
Research & Extension Interest
- Fungal soil borne pathogen
- Fungi as biological control agents
- Seed pathology
- Post Harvest Disease
- ANI WIDIASTUTI, MONICA LUCKY KARLINA, KURNIA RITMA DHANTI, YUFITA DWI CHINTA, TRI JOKO, SURYANTI, ARIF WIBOWO. 2020. Morphological and molecular identification of Fusarium spp. Isolated from maize kernels in Java and Lombok, Indonesia. BIODIVERSITAS. 21 (6) : 1741-1750
- Anisa Aulia Rahma, Suryanti, Susamto Somowiyarjo and Tri Joko. 2020. Induced Disease Resistance and Promotion of Shallot Growth by Bacillus velezensis B-27. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. DOI: 10.3923/pjbs.2020.XX.XX
- Widiastuti, A., M. L. Karina, K. R. Dhanti, Y. D. Chinta, T. Joko, Suryanti, & A. Wibowo. 2020. Morphological and molecular identification of Fusarium spp. isolated from maize kernels in Java and Lombok, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 21 (6): 1741-1750.
- Rahma, A. A., Suryanti, S. Somowiyarjo, & T. Joko. 2020. Induced disease resistance and promotion of shallot growth by Bacillus velezensis B-27. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 23: 1-9.
- Hendra, Arif Wibowo, Suryanti. 2019. Fungal Pathogens Associated with Vascular Streak Dieback (VSD) Disease on Cacao in Special Region of Yogyakarta Province. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia. 23 (1) : 133 – 141
- Suryanti Suryanti, Bambang Hadisutrisno, Mulyadi Mulyadi, Jaka Widada. 2017. Interaction of Meloidogyne incognitaand Fusarium solani on Pepper Yellowing Disease. Journal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia. 21(2): 127-134
- Norma Fauziyah, Bambang Hadisutrisno, Suryanti. 2017. The roles of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the intensity of the foot rot disease on pepper plant from the infected soil. Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management. 4(4) : 937-943.
- Marlina Puspita Sari, Bambang Hadisutrisno, Suryanti Suryanti. 2016. Suppressing of Purple Blotch Disease Development on Shallot by Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi. Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia. 12(5): 159-167
- Suryanti, Bambang Hadisutrisno, Mulyadi, dan Jaka Widada. 2015. Identification of Fusarium and Plant Parasitic Nematode Associated with Pepper Yellowing Disease in West Kalimantan. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia 19(1): 19-26
- Muhammad Imron, Suryanti, & Sri Sulandari. 2015. The Role of Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza on Disease Severity of Pepper Yellow Leaf Curl Disease. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia. 19(2): 94-98
- Suryanti, Bambang Hadisutrisno, Mulyadi, dan Jaka Widada. 2014. The Role of Mycorrhizal Arbuscular Fungi on Pepper Seedling. Agriplus. 24(1): 47-51
- Suryanti, Bambang Hadisutrisno, Mulyadi dan Jaka Widada. 2013. Survey of Distribution Pepper Yellowing Disease and Pathogens Associated. Jurnal Budidaya Pertanian 9(2): 60-63
- Dwi Kiswanti, Suryanti, dan Christanti Sumardiyono. 2010. Identification and Virulence of Fusarium oxysporumsp. cubense Race 4. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia 16(1): 28-32.
- Suryanti, Yufita Dwi Chinta, dan Christanti Sumardiyono. 2009. Induced Resistance to Banana Fusarium Wilt Disease with Salicylic Acid In Vitro. 2009. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia15(2): 90 – 95.
- Suryanti. Sri Sulandari. M. Imron. 2013. The Role of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Growth and Chili Production (Capsicum annum). International Conference on Tropical Horticulture. Yogyakarta, October, 3-4 2013
- Citra Mayang Wardhika, Suryanti, Tri Joko. 2012. Antagonistic activities of Some Trichoderma spp. against Fusarium sp. and Meloidogyne sp., the Causal Agent of Pepper Yellowing Disease. Conference: Internasional Workshop on “Collaborative Educations for Sustainability of Agriculture and Environtment”, At Ibaraki University, Tsukuba, Japan
- Susamto Somowiyarjo, Suryanti, Bambang Hadisutrisno. 2000. Immunoassay for Phytophthora palmivora using Polyclonal and Monoclonal Antibodies. Proceedings The First Asian Conference on Plant Pathology. August 25-28, 2000, Beijing, China
- Suputa, Cahyaniati, A. Kustaryati, A. Hasyim, I.U. Hasanah, A.C. Ratnaningrum, M. Railan, S. Riyadi, B. Arga, & Suryanti, 2010. An introduction to the insect pests and diseases of mango in Indonesia and Their Control Method. Ministry of Agriculture. Indonesia. ISBN 978-979-3147-37-6.