Visi Fakultas Pertanian 2037
Fakultas Pertanian UGM sebagai pelopor perguruan tinggi nasional di bidang pertanian dan perikanan yang unggul dengan penerapan sistem produksi biomasa yang cerdas dan ramah lingkungan (Smart Eco-bioproduction), berkelas dunia, dan mengabdi kepada kepentingan bangsa dan kemanusiaan berdasarkan Pancasila.
Visi Departemen Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan
Menjadi departemen bertaraf internasional yang berkualitas, berdaya saing dan mampu memecahkan secara inovatif masalah perlindungan tanaman dengan penguasaan dan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dalam rangka mengabdi kepada kepentingan bangsa dan kemanusiaan.
Visi Program Studi Magister Ilmu Hama Tanaman
Menjadi program studi jenjang pascasarjana yang mampu mengembangkan dan memajukan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi khusus bidang Ilmu Hama Tanaman, melalui program pengembangan sumber daya manusia, sehingga mendukung pembangunan pertanian yang produktif dan akrab lingkungan.
Misi Departemen Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan
- Menyelenggarakan pendidikan tinggi dalam bidang perlindungan tanaman untuk menghasilkan Sumber Daya Manusia yang mampu mengidentifikasi masalah di bidang perlindungan tanaman dan mencari pemecahannya berdasarkan prinsip Pengelolaan Hama dan Penyakit secara Terpadu (PHT).
- Melaksanakan penelitian yang menopang pendidikan dan pelayanan masyarakat dalam bidang perlindungan tanaman untuk mendukung sistem pertanian berkelanjutan.
- Mengembangkan konsep dan teknologi sebagai acuan (trendsetter) pengambilan kebijakan di dalam perlindungan tanaman.
Misi Program Studi Magister Ilmu Hama Tanaman
- Menghasilkan lulusan yang profesional dalam bidang perlindungan tanaman, dapat diandalkan, percaya diri, dan mampu bersaing sampai pada tingkat internasional baik dalam pelaksanaan pekerjaan maupun untuk melanjutkan ke jenjang S3.
- Membentuk suatu program yang mampu menanggapi tantangan dan permasalahan hama tanaman serta sanggup bersaing pada tingkat nasional, regional, maupun internasional melalui tugas-tugas pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian.
- Menyediakan program penunjang bagi pendidikan S1 agar lebih mampu memusatkan diri pada subdisiplin Ilmu Hama Tanaman.
Akreditasi “A” BAN-PT Program Studi Magister Ilmu Hama Tanaman
a. Sertifikat Akreditasi Prodi Magister Ilmu Hama Tanaman tahun 2020, 2015, 2010
b. SK Rektor Nama Prodi
SK Rektor ini yang mendasari Perubahan Nama Program Studi Magister Ilmu Hama Tumbuhan menjadi Program Studi Magister Ilmu Hama Tanaman
Lambang UGM yang resmi dipakai pada Tesis dan Disertasi wajib mengacu pada statuta UGM:
- Cuplikan Statuta UGM yang memuat lambang resmi UGM
- Lambang UGM yang resmi dan wajib dipakai pada Tesis dan Disertasi
- Lambang UGM untuk kepentingan lainnya selain Tesis dan Disertasi
Leaflet Program Studi Magister Ilmu Hama Tanaman (download)
Program Studi (S2) & Minat Studi (S3) Ilmu Hama Tanaman
Study Program in Pest Science encourages students to conceive and implement novel research within the Integrated Pest Management empasis to the insect sciences. Master of Science (M.Sc.) and Doctor (Dr.) degrees are available.
Graduate Degree Programs in Pest Science
- Master of Science (M.Sc.) link
- Doctor (Dr.)
Our graduate program in Pest Science is ranked among the best. Our Department was also accreditated by National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) and ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance.
Study Program in Pest Science is designed to give students a general knowledge of the principles of managing insect pests in a variety of situations, and a firm understanding of the environmental consequences of pest control decisions. Individual graduate programs are planned by students in consultation with their advisor and the Head of Study Program in Pest Science, Graduate Studies. Study and research are available in various areas of entomology including acarology, basic and applied entomology, insect molecular, agricultural toxicology, and forcasting. Individuals who complete this curriculum will be well prepared for careers in which the primary focus will be management of insect pests as an important aspect. Careers in which the Study Program in Pest Science will be beneficial include: Plant Quarantine Officer, Ministry of Agriculture, Agri-chemical Technical or Sales Representatives, Private Crop Consultants, Farm Advisors, etc.
Admission Requirements
The Master’s Program
Minimum admission requirements include an overall undergraduate grade point average of 2.5 to 3.0 and an overall graduate grade point average of 3.25, and a score. 40-50 cred.hrs scheduled for four semesters, which can be earned in less than four semesters or ten semesters at the maximum.
The Doctoral Program
- For those with a master’s degree in the same field, a minimum of 40 cred.hrs including the dissertation, which carries 28-32 cred.hrs. to be earned in a maximum of ten semesters.
- For those with a master’s degree in a different field, a minimum of 52 cred.hrs including the dissertation, which carries 28-32 cred.hrs, to be earned in a maximum of eleven semesters.
- For those with an undergraduate (S1) degree in the same field, a minimum of 76 cred.hrs including the dissertation, which is worth 28-32 cred.hrs, to be earned in twelve semesters at the maximum.
- For those with undergraduate degree in a different field, a minimum of 88 cred.hrs including the dissertation (28-32 cred.hrs) to be earned in thirteen semesters at the maximum.
The study load is fulfilled by taking the required courses in each program/area of interest, and other courses with the approval of the supervisor.
Degree Requirements
During their first year of graduate studies, M.Sc. and Dr. students are required to prepare a formal written research proposal encompassing a thorough literature review, clear statement of objectives, and materials and methods of the project. A research proposal seminar will be presented to the Department upon completion of the written research proposal. An exit seminar, usually presented during the last semester of the student’s tenure, is required for M.Sc. and Dr. students.
Compulsory courses
1. | PNH20226001 | Thesis | 12 cred.hrs |
2. | PNH20226002 | Graduate Seminar | 1 cred.hrs |
3. | PNH20226003 | Scientific Writing for Journal | 2 cred.hrs |
4. | PNH20226004 | Insect Taxonomy and Systematic | 3 cred.hrs |
5. | PNH20226005 | Insect ecology | 2 cred.hrs |
6. | PNH20226006 | Insect Physiology | 3 cred.hrs |
7. | PNH20226007 | Toxicology of Insecticides | 2 cred.hrs |
8. | PNH20226008 | Landscape Integrated Pest Management | 2 cred.hrs |
9. | PNH20226009 | Philosophy of Research | 2 cred.hrs |
10. | PNH20226119 | Nematode Taxonomy and Systematic | 3 cred.hrs |
Electives (odd semester)
1. | PNH20226110 | Insect Resistance Management | 2 cred.hrs |
2. | PNH20226111 | Determination and Identification of Entomophagous Insects and Their Role in Agriculture | 2 cred.hrs |
3. | PNH20226112 | Biological Control of Pests and Weeds | 3 cred.hrs |
4. | PNH20226113 | Insect-Host Plant Relationship | 2 cred.hrs |
5. | PNH20226114 | Entomopathogenic Microbes | 2 cred.hrs |
6. | PNH20226115 | Pesticides Agriculture and the environment | 2 cred.hrs |
7. | PNH20226116 | Ecology and Management of Vertebrate Agricultural Pests | 2 cred.hrs |
8. | PNH20226117 | Arthropods’ Biodiversity in Agricultural Ecosystems | 2 cred.hrs |
9. | PNH20226118 | Insect Pest Forecasting | 2 |
Area of Interest: PLANT SCIENCE
Compulsory courses
1. | PNH 851 | Paradigms of Integrated Pest Management | 2 cred.hrs |
2. | PNH 860 | Philosophy of Science | 2 cred.hrs |
3. | PNH 870 | Selected Topic | 2 cred.hrs |
4. | PNH 880 | Seminar | 1 |
5. | PNH 890 | Dissertation | 28-32 cred.hrs |
1. | PNH 852 | Biotechnology in Pest Management | 2 cred.hrs |
2. | PNH 853 | Management and System of Biological Control | 2 cred.hrs |
3. | PNH 854 | Pesticide Risk Analysis | 2 cred.hrs |
Faculty Members
- Prof. Edhi Martono, Ph.D.
- Prof. Dr. FX. Wagiman
- Prof. Y. Andi Trisyono, Ph.D.
- Prof. (ret.) Dr. Mulyadi
- Dr. Alan Soffan
- Dr. Arman Wijonarko
- Dr. Nugroho Susetya Putra
- Dr. Panjisakti Basunanda
- Dr. Siwi Indarti
- Dr. Suputa
- Dr. Tri Harjaka
- Dr. Witjaksono
Research Facilities
Excellent facilities are available for research use, including: field research facilities, controlled environmental chambers, greenhouses, fruit flies mass rearing, Asian corn borrer mass rearing, and an insect reference collection.
- Laboratory of Plant Pest:
- Laboratory of Agricultural Entomology
- Laboratory of Vetebrate Pest
- Laboratory of Nematology
- Laboratory of Pest Control Technology:
- Laboratory of Pesticide Toxicology
- Laboratory of Biological Control
- Laboratory of Plant Clinic
- Laboratory of Phytopathology:
- Laboratory of Plant Virology
- Laboratory of Agricultural Mycology
- Laboratory of Plant Bacteriology
- Laboratory of Integrated Plant Disease
Laboratories are equipped with a wide range of instrumentation to accommodate research in such areas as: insect behavior, insect physiology, insect pathology, insect systematics, insect ecology, insect biochemistry, insect genetics, insect molecular biology, insect systematics, insect taxonomy, host plant resistance, biological control, agricultural toxicology including botanical insecticides, modeling and forecasting.
Entomological books, scientific journals, and related literature are readily available through the Universitas Gadjah Mada library system, which includes numerous online services.
Master’s Program
Holder of first degree certification (S1) in Agriculture or non-Agriculture with a minimum GPA of 2.75 (from a fully accredited institution/grade A) or 3.00 (from a partly accredited institution/grade B).
Doctoral Program
- Holder of master’s degree certification (S2) with a minimum GPA of 3.25 or a minimum GPA of 3.00 plus three scholarly publications in quality journals, nationally accredited or international.
- Holder of master’s degree certification in non-Agriculture with a GPA above 3.50 or a minimum GPA of 3.25 plus three scholarly publications in quality journals, nationally accredited or international.
- Holder of first degree certification (S1) who passed with distinction (graduated cum laude), and with research experience and scholarly publications in quality journals, nationally accredited or international.
Enrollment into the Master’s and Doctoral Programs can be done either in March-July or October-January. More information can be found at
The semestrial tuition rate for the Master’s Program is IDR 9,000,000 (nine million rupiah)-IDR 15,000,000 (fifteen million rupiah), whereas for the Doctoral Program it is IDR 13,000,000 (thirteen million rupiah)- IDR 15,000,000 (fifteen million rupiah). Any possible change in the tuition charges will be notified to each new student. Tuition under special cooperative arrangements will be charged in accordance with the amount set in the memorandum of agreement with relevant institutions.
Application Procedures
The applicant completes the application form provided by downloading at The application must specify the desired study program and be uploaded on the DA (Directorate of Academic Affairs) enrollment website (
- A copy of the first degree certification and transcript for the Master’s Program, and copies of the first and master’s degree certifications and transcripts for the Doctoral Program.
- Letters of Recommendation from those who know the applicant’s academic ability (supervisor, lecturer, superior).
- A curriculum vitae and history of work experience (for working applicants).
- A letter of permission from the workplace (for working applicants).
- A statement on the sponsor/agency of financial resources for the study.
- Health Certificate/Physician’s Statement.
- Results of English proficiency test (TOEFL) and Academic Potential Test. APT score must be at least 450. The TOEFL score must be issued by an official institution as mentioned in the enrollment website The requirements for the comprehensive examination (after completing the theory) are a minimum TOEFL score of 450 (or AcEPT score of 208) and an APT score of 500 for the Master’s Program, and a minimum TOEFL score of 500 (AcEPT score of 268) and an APT score of 550 for the Doctoral Program.
- Proof of credit transfer for payment of enrollment. Payment should be made to GMU Rector’s account No. 0039233894 at BNI 1946. In case of a change in the enrollment fee, applicants will be promptly notified.
- Specifically for Doctoral Program applicants, additional requirements are as follows:
- A list of publications and activities in the past five years relevant to the chosen field of study.
- An outline research design (eight copies).
The enrollment procedures are specified in the stipulations at the enrollment website of UGM Graduate Program.
For additional Information, contact:
Dr. Suputa
Head of Study Program in Plant Pest Science
Plant Pest Science Graduate Program
Department of Plant Pest and Diseases
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Phone: +62 274 563062
Fax.: +62 274 563062