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Major: Plant Nematology/ Biological Control, Plant-nematode Interaction
Organization: Entomological Society of Indonesia (PEI) and Phytopathology Society of Indonesia (PFI) E-mail: siwi.indarti@ugm.ac.id; siwiindarti@yahoo.com |
Education Background
- Bachelor (Ir.) Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia, 1988
- Master (M.P.) Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia, 1998
- Doctor (Dr.) Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia, 2011
Lecture Subjects
- Agricultural Nematology (S1)
- Principles in Plant Pest Sciences (S-1)
- Biology of Plant Parasitic Nematode (S-1)
- Identification of Plant Pests (S-1)
- Clinic of Plant Pest and Diseases (S-1)
- Fundamental of Crop Protection S1)
- Management of Plant Parasitic Nematodes (S-2)
- Taxonomy and Systematics of Nematodes (S-2)
Research & Extension Interest
- Biological Control of Plant Parasitic Nematodes
- Identification of nematode
- Plant-nematodes interaction
Publications Journals
- Indarti, S., S.N.H.Utami, N.S. Putra, R. Maharani. 2024. Structure and function role of soil nematode communities in different types of vegetation in Yogyakarta and Central Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 25(6): 2765-2772.
- Darazat, M.A., S. Indarti, N.S.Putra, Witjaksono. 2024. Soil nematode community structure reaction to organic amendments in shallot. International Journal of Vegetable Science, 30(3): 1-13.
- Shabrina, N.H., S. Indarti, R. Maharani, D.A. Kristiyanti, Irmawati, N. Prastomo, T. Adilah M. 2024. A novel dataset of potato leaf disease in uncontrolled environment. Data in Brief, 52(109955): 1-13.
- Shaffila, D.M., S. Indarti, Witjaksono, N.S. Putra. 2024. Abundance of nematodes in combination of soil solarization and cow manure application. Pakistan Journal of Phytopathology, 36(1): 103-112.
- Santosa, D., S. Indarti, I. Purwantini, & L. Setyowati. 2023. Capacity Building for Community in Selopamioro Village, Imogiri District, Bantul District, Yogyakarta, through Land Optimization and Biopharmaceutical Products. AIJR Proceedings 113-119.
- Lika, R.A., N.H. Shabrina, S. Indarti, & R. Maharani. 2023. Transfer Learning using Hybrid Convolution and Attention Model for Nematode Identification in Soil Ecology. Revue d’Intelligence
Artificielle 37 (4). - Isnaini, N., S. Indarti, D. Widianto, T.R. Nuringtyas, N.A. Arofatullah, & I.D. Prijambada. 2023. Biocontrol Potential of Nematode-Targeting Fungi from Coffee Plant Rhizosphere Against Pratylenchus Coffeae Root Lesion, Pakistan Journal of Phytopathology, Vol. 35, No. 2, Hlm. 451-458. DOI:10.33866/phytopathol.035.02.1041.
- Shabrina, N.H., R.A. Lika, & S. Indarti. 2023. The Effect of Data Augmentation and Optimization Technique on the Performance of EfficientNetV2 for Plant-Parasitic Nematode Identification. IEEE International Conference on Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, and Communications Technology (IAICT) 190-195.
- Shabrina, N.H., S. Indarti, R.A. Lika, & R.Maharani. 2023. A comparative analysis of convolutional neural networks approaches for phytoparasitic nematode identification. Commun. Math. Biol. Neurosci, Article ID 65.
- Maharani, R. S. Indarti, A. Soffan, & S. Hartono. 2023. Aphelenchoides varicaudatus (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae) and Helicotylenchus erythrinae (Nematoda: Hoplolaimidae) from Garlic Plantation in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. Helminthologia, 94 105.
- Indarti, S. & Taryono. 2023. Investigation of Carica papaya plant parasitic nematodes in Yogyakarta special region. AIP Conference Proceedings 2616 (1), 040004-1 – 040004-9.
- Angeline, N., N.H. Shabrina, & S. Indarti. 2023. Faster region-based convolutional neural network for plant-parasitic and non-parasitic nematode detection. Indones. J. Electr. Eng. Comput. Sci 30 (1), 316-324.
- Shabrina, N.H., R.A. Lika, & S. Indarti. 2023. Deep learning models for automatic identification of plant-parasitic nematode. Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture 7, 1-12.
- Indarti, S., T. Taryono, C.W. Purnomo, A.S. Wulandari, & R. Maharani. 2023. Abundance and diversity of plant parasitic nematodes associated with vegetable cultivation on various types of
organic fertilizers. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 24 (2). - Alma, N.R., S. Indarti, S. Hartono, & A. Soffan. 2023. Evaluation of nematode DNA extraction methods for species identification of root rice nematode (Hirschmanniella spp.). Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 56 (2), 127-136.
- Indarti, S., R. Maharani, T. Taryono, & D.De. Waele. 2023. Detection of the stunt nematode Tylenchorhynchus annulatus in the rhizosphere of rice and corn in Indonesia. Australasian Plant Disease Notes 18 (1), 3.
- Plena, S.N.G., S. Indarti, A. Widiastuti, & N.S. Putra. 2022. Identification of the root-knot nematode species associated with Carica papaya. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 23
(12): 6212-6217. - Morindya, R., S. Indarti, A. Soffan, S. Hartono. 2022. Optimization of DNA Extraction Methods for Genomic Analysis of Rice Root-Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne graminicola) Using PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) And Sanger Sequencing, Journal of Plant Protection Research, Vol. 63, No. 1, Hlm. 50-58, DOI: 10.24425/jppr.2022.144416.
- Alma, N.R., S. Indarti, S. Hartono, A. Soffan. 2022. Evaluation of Nematode DNA Extraction Methods for Species Identification of Root Rice Nematode (Hirschmanniella spp.), Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, Vol. 56, No. 2, Hlm. 127-136, DOI: 10.1080/03235408.2023.2178057.
- Dewi, S. & S. Indarti. 2022. Screening Resistance of Several Accessions Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) Against Root-Knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne incognita). Advances in Biological
Sciences Research (19): 180-190. - Ainurrachmah, A. & S. Indarti. 2022. Response of Indonesian eggplants due to nematode attack and genetic diversity revealed by SSR marker. Advances in Biological Sciences Research (19): 363-370.
- Purnomo, C.W., P. Noviyani, S Indarti, & G.T. Schriefer. 2022. Synthesis and pot trial of organic fertilizer from solid waste. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 963 (1): 012052.
- Widianto, D., A.D. Pramita, I. Kurniasari, N.A. Arofatullah, I.D. Prijambada, J. Widada, & S. Indarti. 2021. Bacillus is one of the most potential genus as a biocontrol agent of golden cyst
nematode (Globodera rostochiensis). Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 54 (19-20): 2191-2205. - Ainurrachmah, A. & S. Indarti. 2021. Assessment Of Root-Knot Nematode Resistance In Eggplant Accessions By Using Molecular Markers. SABRAO Journal of Breeding & Genetics 53 (3): 468-478.
- Wulandari, A.S., S. Indarti, M.I. Massadeh, & N.V. Minh. 2021. The effect of abiotic factors and elevation on the diversity of plant parasitic nematodes in garlic on Central Java, Indonesia. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture 37: 75-83.
- Indarti, S., D. Widianto, M. Mulyadi, & J. Widada. 2021. Potato cyst nematode-infected soil as a source of egg and cyst parasitic fungi as potential biocontrol agents. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 54 (13-14): 850-869.
- Indarti, S. & N.S. Putra. 2021. Pakistan Journal of Nematology: Abstracts (2011-2020) Relationship of soil abiotic factors with population abundance and vertical distribution of root lesion nematode in robusta coffee plantation. Pakistan Journal of Nematology 39 (1): 131.
- Putri, A.H., S. Indarti, & T. Harjaka. 2021. Diversity and abundance of nematodes in soil treated with solarization treatments. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 22 (7): 2612-2618.
- Gebregziabher, A.A., S. Supriyadi, S. Indarti, & L. Setyowati. 2021. Texture profile and pectinase activity in tomato fruit (Solanum Lycopersicum, Servo F1) at different maturity stages and storage temperatures. PLANTA TROPIKA 9 (1), 20-34.
- Wulandari, S., Y.S. Nisa, T. Taryono, S. Indarti, & R.S. Sayekti. 2021. Sterilisasi Peralatan dan Media Kultur Jaringan. Agrotechnology Innovation (Agrinova) 4 (2), 16-19.
- Ajri, M., S. Indarti, A. Soffan, & N.N. Huu. 2021. Morphological and Phylogenetic Characteristics of Ditylenchus dipsaci among Garlic Plants. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences. All rights reserved-Volume 14 (4): 770.
- Lubis, K., S. Indarti, & N.S. Putra. 2021. Plant Parasitic Nematode Abundance and Diversity in Potato (Solanum tuberosum) Cultivation at Various Altitudes in Wonosobo and Banjarnegara. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia 25 (2): 99-105.
- Arifin, L., S. Indarti, & A. Wibowo. Identification of Pathogens Causing Bulb Rot Disease on Garlic (Allium sativum L.) in Central Java, Indonesia. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia 25 (1), 74-85.
- Fahmi, I.Z., N.S. Putra, S. Indarti, & S. Sato. 2021. Preference of the Waterlily Aphid, Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on Four Hostplants. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia 25 (1), 21-27.
- Indarti, S., A. Soffan, & M. M. F. Andrasmara. 2020. Short communication: first record of Hirschmanniella mucronata (Nematoda: Pratylenchidae) in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 21 (5): 2068-2073.
- Indarti, S., R. E. Indarto, R. Fatimah, & M. Ajri. 2019. Pengembangan Desa Jomboran sebagai Desa Agrowisata Mandiri Melalui Model Pembanguna Karakter, Model Tetrapreneur, dan Pemetaan Potensi Desa Berbasis Pertanian. Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 4 (2): 198-205.
- Azizah, N., S. Indarti, A. Widiastuti, & Y. A. Trisyono. 2019. Detection and development of infestation rate of Aphelenchoides besseyi on various rice seed varieties. Indonesian Plant Protection Journal 23 (2): 305-310.
- Indarti, S., Taryono, Supriyanta, & A. S. Wulandari. 2019. Penapisan pendahuluan berbagai aksesi padi (Oryza sativa L) terhadap serangan hama serangga dan nematoda parasit tanaman. Agrotechnology Innovation 2 (2).
- Kurniasari, I., S. Indarti, & D. Widianto. 2019. The exploration of bacteria having biocontrol ability against the golden cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis) in potato cultivation lands. Indian Journal of Science and Technology 12 (16): 1-6.
- Mutala’liah, S. Indarti, & A. Wibowo. 2019. Short Communication: The prevalence and species of root-knot nematode which infect on potato seed in Central Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 20 (1): 11-16.
- Handayani, A., F. X. Wagiman, S. Indarti, & Suputa. 2019. Insect quarantine status in association with imported commodities from Timor Leste passed through agricultural quarantine ware of Mota’ain-District of Belu. Indonesian Plant Protection Journal 23 (1).
- Tyasningsiwi, R. W., Witjaksono, & S. Indarti. 2019. Analysis of volatile compound at different age of corn crops used as Bemisia tabaci repellent. Indonesian Plant Protection Journal 23 (1).
- Mutalaliah, S. Indarti, N.S. Putra. 2018. Short Communication: Abundance and diversity of plant parasitic nematodes associated with BP 308 and BP 42 clones of robusta coffee in Java, Indonesia. Journal of Biological Diversity 19(1) https://doi.org/10.13057/biodiv/d190111
- liah, S. Indarti, N.S. Putra. 2017. Relationship of soil abiotic factors with population abundance and vertical distribution of root lesion nematode in robusta coffee plantation. Pakistan Journal of Nematology 35 (2), 183-196.
- N.C.W. Purnomo, S. Indarti, C. Wulandaric, H. Hinode. 2017. Slow Release Fertiliser Production from Poultry Manure. 2017. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS 56, 1531-1536.
- A Suhandy, T Aminatun, S. Indarti. 2017. DIAGNOSIS STRUKTUR KOMUNITAS NEMATODA DI LINGKUNGAN RHIZOSFER GULMA SIAM (Chromolaena odorata)(L) RM KING AND H. ROBINSON. Biologi-S1 6 (3), 143-153.
- C. Nugrahana, S. Indarti, E. Martono. 2017. Potato Cyst Nematode in East Java: Newly Infected Areas and Identification. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia 21 (2), 87-95
- Mulyadi, Siwi Indarti,Bambang Rahayu T.P., B. Triman. 2014. MOLECULAR AND PATHOTYPE IDENTIFICATION OF POTATO CYST NEMATODES (IDENTIFIKASI MOLEKULER DAN PATOTIPE NEMATODA SISTA KENTANG). Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia. 18 (1): 17 – 23
- RH Murti, F Muamiroh, TRW Pujiati, S. Indarti.2012. EARLY STEPS OF TOMATO BREEDING RESIST TO ROOT-KNOT NEMATODE. Agrivita 34 (3), 270-275 [PDF]
- Indarti, Siwi; D Widianto, Young Ho, Kim, Mulyadi, S Suryanti. 2010. Survey of egg-and cyst-parasitic fungi of potato cyst nematode in Indonesia. The Plant Pathology Journal 26 (1), 32-36
- Indarti,Siwi; Bambang Rahayu TP., Siti Subandiyah, dan Lilis Indarti. 2011. PREVALENCE OF PLANT PARASITIC NEMATODES ON BANANA GROWING AREA AT YOGYAKARTA SPECIAL PROVINCE. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia, 17 (1) : 36–40
- Indarti, Siwi;RTP Bambang; Mulyadi; and Triman, B. 2004. First record of potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis in Indonesia. Australasian Plant Pathology 33, 325-426
- Siwi Indarti & Ian T. Riley. 2003. Heat stability, periodate sensitivity and solubility of bacterial adhesins and nematode receptors in two Anguina- Rathayibacter interactions. Nematologia Mediterranea 31 (Vol. 31, No. 2 (December 2003)), 191-194
- S Indarti, M Bambang Rahayu TP, 2005. Pengendalian Hama Nematoda Puru-Akar Pada Tanaman Sayuran DenganPemanfaatan Agens HayatiPasteuria Penetrans, Gerbang Inovasi 9 (2005)